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Our Story

Hi there! My name is Jenny Eichenberger and I'm a mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, and Certified Cannabis Coach & Counselor. Learning about and using natural products became my passion shortly after my son, Danny, was diagnosed with a terminal illness in 1995.

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It all started when Danny was 1½ years old. We noticed he wasn’t growing as quickly as our other children had. He was not walking yet, was barely talking, and he seemed unable to keep food in his system long enough to get any nutritional value from it. After many doctors visits and several tests, we were told that Danny had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and was given a life expectancy of 16-19 years.  We were then informed that there was really nothing they could do for him until he started having symptoms requiring treatment. It became my mission to research natural ways to treat Danny’s system in hopes to not only delay those symptoms but also to make them less traumatic.

Being told my child only had a limited life expectancy was not acceptable to me! I am the youngest of nine children born to my beautiful mother in a span of just ten years….my mother taught me to be a strong woman and when faced with challenge and adversity to stand up tall and fight!

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So, I began researching natural solutions, talking to families affected by disabilities, consulting experts, and reading every medical study I could find to help my son live a longer life and stay as healthy as possible throughout. I began Dan on a strict regimen of supplements that met my standards of clean ingredients. I worked diligently to find effective ways to improve his health without incurring the terrible side-effects of pharmaceutical medicine.

And then Dan turned 16.  Then he turned 19. Then 29!! It has become abundantly clear that what I was doing for Dan was not only working, but working well. When the medical system couldn’t provide us with solutions, I had managed to empower myself with the knowledge of what organic and natural products like hemp-derived CBD and NAC could do.

Through our journey, other families began asking me questions on how to find quality supplements and how to know which supplements will benefit them the best. So, I began sharing with others and working to educate and empower them to take control of their own health. That passion grew into a successful business which is now called Cornerstone Health. I have expanded our range of products to include a credo-clean skincare line, collagen, essential oils, a health and nutrition line and SO much more! These products seek to not only improve bodily health, but also skin health and appearance, in a clean and natural way. 

From day one, this has been about promoting what works. Before recommending any product, I make sure to do thorough research and, in most cases, to test it myself. That’s why my business works.

​Now, I want to carry this message further than ever before. I’m empowering other women like me to start sharing natural health products and educating everybody I can reach on the benefits of clean living. I’m expanding Cornerstone Health by hiring employees, establishing a physical store location, and growing our online presence.  Our mission is to provide everyone with affordable and quality products that can help them make simple changes in their everyday life to improve their health.

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